Overwhelming Things

/ Tuesday 31 July 2012 /
I just went through my flickr photos, and my 365, which surprisingly was almost 2 years ago. Has it been that long?

It reminded of how I used to look at life when I had to take a picture a day, and how I envied others' amazing photographic talents.

I still do, but my style of photography has changed, not immensely, but enough for anyone to notice. I'm telling myself it's a good thing, because it is.

Also I'm extremely glad I did a 365. I started one on flickr, privately at first, with only about a 100 views by other users. And that was enough. My 365 wasn't for attention. It was for myself. I saw myself improved over the year, and I'm very very happy for it because the photos can tell so much about each day of that year.

I remember about year 10. I remember about going to the aquarium. I remember my feelings each day, everyday. I remember what I had to do for each shot. I remember!

Okay, so maybe going through past photos whilst Telekinesis songs are on iTunes wasn't the best idea. I'm feeling a little nostalgic.

This is a promise. A Promise to continue taking photos, for art, and for my memory.

Here is an obligatory upload of San Marco's Square, Rome, back in last summer. Also one of the most amazing and depressing summer at the same time. Amazing because it was a month-long trip around Europe with my little cousins and I saw spectacular sights. Depressing because my stupid SD card got jammed up and I lost all my photos from half the trip. But at least I was also shooting 6 rolls of film. And I learnt to get over it 2 months later after I returned home. 

This reminds me. Last week I went to develop my last roll of film from Michael the fisheye, which I started in March on the day I went to watch the Hunger Games. The roll lasted for about 4 months, I shot my last frame 2 weeks ago after graduation. I didn't have proper artsy photos in it, after all, Michael's my toy camera and that means it is socially acceptable to camwhore with it. So yea, even though it only consisted of shots of me with my friends all throughout March to July (mostly after IGCSES were over), I was still quite depressed that the expired roll of film I used did not expose well. I know, I had several faulty rolls before, and I take them all as a lesson to learn, instead of a waste of money. But it's just a photographer thing, to be heartbroken when you lose pictures.

It's fine. It's been a week and I'm slowly getting over it. After all, I still have 10 more shots to go in Logan the AE and Will the Zenit. I hope these two rolls turn out well!


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Self-taught photographer but I also like astronomy and fashion and live music and sitcoms and Alaska.
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